“All Great Things Start Small,” the Swahili proverb

We started with 23 small girls and have built a network of girl leaders that have already had the following outcomes:  

Higher performance in school

- Improved grades overall

- Improved leadership skills and actively peer-mentor

- Indicators such as confidence, self-expression, teamwork have been significantly improved

- Advance skills for community organizing from idea to implementation.

Unlock global opportunities

- Keynote speakers at United Nations in Kenya 

- Ambassadors & speakers for major HIV/AIDS Health Conference

- Guests of honor at The Obama Foundation fellowship awards

- Summer camps in United States

- Six girls are attending high school in the U.S.

Our network of graduates will:

- Actively contribute to local female leadership through community teaching, mentoring and organizing

- Be talent pipelines for global corporations
- Effect change locally or globally

- Finish higher education to become a positive participant in global society.    

- Be job creators for youth

- Increase diversity and inclusion throughout different sectors. 

Educating a girl in urban slums means she will earn more and invest 90% of earnings in her family, be 3x less likely to contract HIV, and have fewer, healthier children who are more likely to reach adulthood (Erulkar, A., & Matheka, J. K. (2007), Adolescence in the Kibera Slums of Nairobi, Kenya. Population Council - The World Bank).